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"Kraljevica" stadium Zaječar.

Our colleagues have implemented and launched the EVAC PA, grandstand sound system, and press room sound system at the newly opened "Kraljevica" stadium in Zaječar. This implemented solution provides high-quality sound systems that were carried out using Bosch Paviro for EVAC PA and for grandstand sound systems using Symetrix Radius audio matrix connected with Solton amplifiers.


Naše kolege su implementirale i pokrenule sistem evakuacionog ozvučenja, ozvučenja tribina, kao i ozvučenja press sale na novootvorenom stadionu "Kraljevica" u Zaječaru.

Ova implementirana rešenja obezbeđuje visokokvalitetno ozvučenje, koje je realizovano korišćenjem rešenja za evakuaciono ozvučenje Bosch Paviro i ozvučenje tribina Symetrix Radius audio matrica u sprezi sa Solton pojačalima.


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